Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Top 10 Things I've Learned in 2014.

As we roll to the end of another year I am left with a few thoughts.  One of my favorite quotes of all times is this: Life consists of 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you respond to that 10%.

Brilliant quote.  It's even better when you can take those few words and allow them to sink in and apply it to your own life.  God works all things out for His good, right? Take a moment today to reflect on this last year. Pause for a bit to ask God, how do you want me to respond to all the things that this past year has thrown my way? When you respond to all your stuff with an open heart asking Him to work it out, God really can use it all to shape what He has called you to accomplish in this life.

Here is what I've learned this year and am asking God to direct my steps in responding to how He wants to use it all in 2015.  So here it goes.... 

1. I stopped apologizing for being a strong willed woman on a mission and for my personality.  I began to think, if God gave me this personality (and when our personalities are submitted to Him and His will) then it must be for a reason. We are each given our own personality. Why? For His purpose. So stop apologizing, too, and let God use who He created you to be for His Kingdom.

2. To be inspired is great but is only the first step. Going out and doing is inspiration's fruit.

3. Forgiving is the first step. Letting go is the road that follows.

4. Everyone needs a sister or friend like my sister, Sara. One who you wholeheartedly let in.  A person you know you are safe enough to let your guard down with in order to give and receive from. Yes, a good friendship gives and receives.  It does both....well. I also have a couple of other friends in my life who do that as well.  They are gems and I guard those friendships with my life. We, as girls, need a girlfriend or two who will speak truth into us (even when we don't want to hear it) love us enough to let us be ourselves but will also love us enough to challenge us to not stay stagnant.

5.  Everyone talks about the orphan...but what about the widow? It's in the same verse. Both causes are true religion.

6. Do not forsake the fellowship doesn't necessarily mean don't forsake the church building on Sunday morning.  Fellowship is choosing to surround yourself with people all week long who challenge you, inspire you, dream with you, correct you and live life next to you all while loving Jesus. Don't forsake that.

7.  I was born to parent teen girls.  So much so, that I think that might be where I'm headed with Inspire! (maybe some teen girls, creative arts and a God given purpose).

8. A good marriage consists of choosing to be intentional in your relationship. Every. Day. (maybe multiple times).  A good marriage doesn't just's worked on. I've learned this one years ago but it bares repeating because it is a constant choice. When you both are intentional it can be amazing all that God does in and through it.

9.  It doesn't matter what church you go to as long as they are preaching good sound theology and pointing you towards Jesus. Your walk with Jesus and what you're doing with the talent He gives you, wherever your are, matters more than the building you choose to sit in on Sunday morning.  Being a doer is the key. The Church doesn't consist of just 4 walls.  It is global.  So be a part of what God is doing, wherever you are at. Do something.

10.  Choosing to pull away from negative and complaining people in life is a brilliant choice because it frees you up from being held back in an endless cycle of listening to people who only want to focus on the 10% rather than the 90.

Happy New Year, friends!! Make 2015 amazing.  Better yet, let God make your 2015 amazing by responding with a yes to however He leads!

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