Tuesday, June 6, 2017

New Life, Parkway and Soccer #5

I’m not sure if this is important to anyone or if this is just me that needs to write this to get it out...but here it goes. An explanation the best way I know how. In written form.

Parenting decisions can be tough. Right? So many variables and each child is so different and what they each need can be so different. I will try to make this as short and succinct as I can without getting too wordy. Well, I will at least try :)

7 years ago when my dad died, my husband felt very strongly that it would be the best choice for our girls to send them to the school where their cousins were so, we as a family, could be together. He thought it would be a good idea for me to be close to my sister during our grief and well beyond and for our girls to be with their cousins. I fought him. I fought him tooth and nail. I begged to not send me back to where I grew up. I’m not a country girl. I never was but there I sat with a decision to be made to go back to where I came from. 

Do I say yes to take the girls out of their school and place them up with their cousins and me with my sister (which that part I loved...it was the drive and disconnect from my life down here that I didn’t want to leave) or keep them where they were. Jim was very adamant about this decision to send the girls up to the school with their cousins at New Life. I finally acquiesced. 

For the first few years I begged him to let us go back to Parkway. Not for any other reason other than the fact that I knew the area around New Life wasn’t our community we were living in. We were so far away. I watched the girls build friendships and fit the best we good despite that though. Great school. Great people. It just always came back to the distance and how far removed from the community up there we were but everyone was so awesome at including the girls despite that distance.

The summer of 2015 before the 2015/16 school year began, maybe Jim got tired of me begging him to lessen our drive and let us go back to Parkway or maybe it was just coincidence that the subject came up again one summer night that we take them back to Parkway. I think the thought of driving that far weighed on us all as we looked to start that upcoming school year. Truth be told, at that point, I had settled into the fact that this is where the girls were going to stay. I had realized that it wasn’t about me it was about them anyways. I had begun to make a few friends and the girls were doing well so quite honestly I had given up asking him for us to go back.  The subject, however, came up that summer night that what if they went back to Parkway. We talked about our community and how our church and a lot of the people there overlapped into Parkway. The girls still had friends there and the drive was much less. We discussed that option as we talked about sports and events just being closer and friends being significantly closer and us not being so far removed from a community of people like we were up at New Life. Emma, however, was adamant though that we stay one more year for Grace’s senior year.  We all agreed that that was the best choice. We decided to re visit the option of leaving after Grace graduated in 2016.  A decision I would later come to realize was the most profound and necessary decision of Emma’s life to date. So we stayed.

Obviously, you know the rest of the story. Grace’s accident happened 3 weeks into the new year of 2016 and changed the trajectory of our entire lives and will for the remainder of all our lives I'm sure. 

We grappled with, what I felt was the worst decision of my entire life, as we began to watch grief unfold in my girls. I had told my sister that we had wanted to send the girls back to Parkway after Grace had graduated but said after the accident that we would stay at the school for them as long as needed instead now. 

Like I said though I began to watch grief unfold for our girls and, for more reasons then I could write or even articulate at this point, it began to be very very clear that we were to take them out of New Life and send them back to Parkway. Reasons, that I told several people from New Life, were beyond what I could explain. It was more of a just ‘knowing’ that they needed to live out the rest of their schooling in a building that was separate from a reminder around every corner of Grace.

We wanted the girls to all grieve at their own pace without being thrust into or forced into talking about or facing every detail constantly but rather give them the ability to process their own grief at their own pace apart from everyone watching them. We wanted them to be able to cycle through it without onlookers.

This is where the parenting decision making is tough. I told a mom at New Life, that nobody pulls you to the side when you have a baby and gives you a handbook on how to raise kids in the event of extreme, untimely and tragic death. Nobody told us how to do this. We just were two parents, praying and trying our best to protect our kids and guide them through extreme loss when even we were turned upside down in shock and grief. We also knew that you were not suppose to make big life decisions that first year of grief. We fully believe that God, in His mercy and wisdom, went ahead of us and the day before the accident we went to a Parkway open house so that God could remind me that we made the decision apart from and before our intense grief not in the midst of it. God was so faithful to do this for us.

It was the worst decision for me personally though because I felt like I had to choose between staying and supporting my sister or leaving and choosing my girls (which I later realized was not the case bc I found out I could choose both her and them but be in a different place but felt like it during that season). My decision was excrutiating though and one that I did not take lightly. I prayed and prayed for guidance to know what was the right decision. Jim and I finally had peace and knew we were suppose to take the girls out and send them back to Parkway. 

We knew that people were going to ask questions, we knew people were going to question how I could leave my sister at a time like this (I had one mom tell me she would fill in for me as the sister roll to Sara if I left...that felt wonderful), we knew it wasn’t going to make sense to most people, heck, it wasn’t fully making sense to us either. We just knew we had a peace knowing that this was the very right decision for our girls. We went forward with our decision. Bumpy. Haphazard. Not perfect. But sincerely and genuinly about the well being of our girls. Maybe not a choice everyone would have chosen but again each child needs different things and each family is responsible to God for the kids they have been entrusted to by him and Jim and I take this responsibility very very seriously.

And so they started back at Parkway for the 2016/17 school year. Confirmation was given with every step that this was exactly the perfect decision for all 3 of our girls. And with each confirmation, I would point out to the girls how God has confirmed over and over again that we have them in the exact right place for them.

A few months ago, as the girls and I were driving home, I off handedly made a comment that we wasted the last 5 years of our lives driving up so far to New Life and should have just stayed put at Parkway. There was a long pause from all 3 of them (they all looked at each other as if they had talked about that subject many many times before without me....sisters do that kind of stuff) and they slowly proceeded and said mom, can you promise us that you will never say that those 5 years were wasted ever again? I paused because they were all very serious and honestly we are never that serious so I was stopped cold....I slowly asked why, girls? With tears in one of their eyes, they slowly said it wasn’t a mistake to be up there....it was an act of God. They proceeded to tell me that He directed our steps to that school for the last 5 years of Graces life for them to spend every moment of every day with their beautiful cousin. To make every memory possible, to be in every event so closely with her that they would have all those precious moments to cherish now for the rest of their lives that they now have to live without her.  At that point, I had to pull over because I was crying so hard. I realized that, while Jim pushed so so hard to send us up there and I complained about that decision for probably the first few years constantly I, at that moment, realized that God so clearly ordered our steps to New Life for that reason alone. Grace. To be with Grace for her final years and to build a strong relationship with Evelyn that would help carry us through this very deep valley. That realization in that moment of God's bigger picture than I could see, was one of the most profound moments of my entire life.

Last night, was the sports banquet and as Brooke’s new soccer coach spoke about Brooke and seeing her play for New Life last year and how she was excited about Brooke coming back to Parkway to play soccer I smiled through my glassy eyes. Brooke was suppose to be given the #6 jersey like she had at New Life but that was taken so they gave her #5. I'm sure they didn't realize this but 5 in Biblical terms is the number of Grace. Brooke played all year with jersey #5. Pretty significant to us. My heart was again reminded last night that our choice to move them was the most perfect decision we could have every made for them. But, as tears streamed down my face, I thought 99% of the people in that room last night had no idea of what the weight of that decision to move them back held for me and how excruciating it felt to feel the guilt of seeming to choose my girls over my sister. Or the overwhelming fear I had of losing my relationship with my sister if Jim and I made that decision to move them back. Now, after the fact, I have realized that I can have both. I can love both Sara and my girls and we can still be close... it's just not at the same school. I realized again, that it was the right choice. I realized a few months ago when talking to the girls in the car that day, that moving them to New Life was also the right choice 6 years ago where they got to spend every waking moment possible with their cousins. And it was the right choice to move them back to Parkway again. All those steps were ordered by God.

Sometimes, life doesn’t make sense when you’re in the moment. Sometimes, you can’t understand if you’re going forwards or backwards. We’re not given a handbook for the exact right paths for each of our kids. We are given the Word of God to raise them up to love and follow Him but the details on what school, team, college, car, etc etc are not laid out clearly all the time for us. That’s where trust and peace come into play. All our decisions might not make sense to everyone around us. That’s alright. They don’t need to. They didn’t make sense to me 6 years ago. Now they do and I trust that God will keep ordering our steps like He always has. He is faithful to do that always and will continue.  He knows all along what He's doing. We just need to listen and follow even when it doesn't make sense.

I encourage you to do the same with your kids. Give them to God, they are a gift from Him anyways, pray for wisdom on how to raise them, where to send them and what to do. The answers might be surprising sometimes and there might be years that go by when you think, what am I doing? Is this right? Do I have the wrong direction? Then God pulls it all together and lets you know He’s had a plan all along and whispers gently to you at a sports banquet that you’re doing alright and you’re listening to Him. Just keep going because I'm confident that He’s ordering your steps, too.

And for the record, Jim was right to move them. There I admitted he was right in written form! It's a happy day for him ;)