Monday, November 19, 2012

Inspire a heart

I was at lunch a couple weeks back with a friend.  She sat across the table from me and poured out her heart as to how she felt a few things were missing from the "church" as a whole. As we continued to talk it occurred to me that I've had this conversation a hundred times with a hundred different girlfriends.  What's missing? I began to think.  Really, why are so many woman dissatisfied with the modern church? Well, if you are expecting my answer sorry to let you down because I really don't know the exact answer. I could speculate and give you a lot of opinions (I have several, but I'm not sure if any of them are valid answers). What I do have though, is a possible answer to help. To maybe make a difference. Maybe something to help us, as Christians, move in what we are called to do…love the Lord God with all our heart, our soul and mind and then love our neighbor as our self.

For the last few years I have been through a thing or two and have come out wanting to make a difference in the lives of those around me.  Not necessarily fix anybody's problems, because I've learned that is God alone who can do that, but I can lead people to a very real relationship with a God who can fix & heal their problems. 

How do I make a difference though?  At times, I've struggled with the 'how to' part of this question.  The following is what I've come up with.

First, let me explain that when I shared my heart and with two woman close to me about my dream, vision and heart I received two very different answers.  The first person lady said to me, Amy, you can't just start a ministry out of nothing…you need to be anointed to do that sort of thing while the second lady quickly refuted that line of thinking with the fact that God is willing to anoint anyone with a willing heart and a voice that says 'Here I am, Lord, send me'.  With that I give you my vision and I will let God determine which lady had the correct answer for this dream.  With this dream, I will hold loosely to any preconceived notions or expectations.  If this is a flop, clearly the first person was correct and I needed anointing.  If this is a success then the second person was correct and God anoints those with a willing heart to change the world we live in and bring glory to Him through our faith put into actions.  

About 5 months ago my sister sent me a song and it literally infused me with a hope that not all was lost and she still saw my heart through my pain.  Listen to the song below.  This was really the turning point where I knew I was going to take my pain and use it…and little by little I began to see myself come back to life with my original heart to change the world or at least at the very minimum, my own sphere of influence.

What I want to do is this. The second Friday of each month starting on February 8, 2013. I want to hold a, for lack of a better word, woman's worship & serve event.  The format will be simple.  We come together to worship and then each month I will have a different speaker and topic in which it won't be just another 'good' message but it will be prayerfully life changing to all the woman involved and will inspire young and old (that term is relative) woman to IMPACT the world around them.  Each speaker each month will have a topic in an area that you can serve.  For instance, one month I would have somebody on the front lines in Human Trafficking rescues and restoration come speak to bring awareness but even more, practical information on how we can help.  Maybe the next month I will bring somebody in who is on the front lines of foster care/adoption to again offer practical information as to how to adopt or foster care.  The next month I would have a speaker speaking about healthy marriages and parenting and give practical/Biblical advice as to how to sow into your marriage and children. Maybe another month it would be a topic of abortion and healing after abortions.  I have had so many woman in the church tell me they have had abortions but have never been able to tell anybody….so let them be healed so they can rise up and help others walk through the pain and receive healing from Jesus too.

You get the point.  There are countless subjects and speakers we could have.  I don't know about you but I don't want just another worship service, another church service, another sermon where you go home and say, well that's nice and go about your week. 

Ladies, it is time to rise up for such a time as this and begin to make a difference in the world around us.  Inspire & pour into other lives.  Let's take all that we have learned and experienced and DO something with it. Let's IMPACT our world for God and watch Him transform and heal lives!

I don't know exactly all the details right now or who will all be involved in this.  This is where all of you come in. I have had countless woman email me about my blogs sharing their similar heart and stories.  If any of this blog inspires, ignites or stirs something up in your heart to make a difference in the lives around you and stirs up a desire to do something more than just 'go' to church but rather BE the church then email me and let me know if you would prayerfully consider being apart of launching this ministry.

Here is the first big part.  We need a building that we can rent once a month.  A building that has sound equipment that can host a group of woman (hopefully each month it grows in size).  If any of you reading this knows some place any place in Macomb county please email me and we can talk.  My heart is that this event would bridge the gap of churches.  I do not want it to be just one single church event but rather simply, women in the body of Christ kind of event.  So, keep that in mind that I would love a school, office building, store front, business anything that can hold this type of event.  Please let me know if you have a place that you know of to rent for something like this.

Next, I am praying for a worship team.  A group of woman (I realize a female drummer may be a bit difficult to find) that have a heart for worship....real life, heart of God kind of worship.  If this is an area you feel like you are called to help with please let me know.  Musicians/vocalists both needed.  I can't wait to see who God puts together for this part! :)

So, here  is my heart.  Any and all of you who want to be a part of this, email, text, call me and we will prayerfully launch this together!! I am so excited to see what God does with this first step I am taking.  Any of you that know me, know that it is truly my hearts desire to pour into lives and make a difference in this here begins my journey....will you join me?


1 comment:

  1. HI AMY!

