Sunday, September 9, 2012

Our Beth Moore study James: Mercy Triumphs

For those of you who cannot view the events page on Facebook I am posting this here on my blog.  It is and has been my heart for some time now to be able to host woman's studies for more than just one church or denomination.  I feel like we are all the body of Christ and woman getting together to study the Word of God should cross over denominations and church affiliations. I love when women who are Catholic, Lutheran, Baptist, Non-Denominational and Pentecostal all come together for the sole purpose to grow in an understanding of God's Word and then apply that to our lives...after all, we will be spending eternity together and I'm pretty sure none of us will care what church we went to other than knowing we were all in the same body of Christ! So, here is my fb events page message.  Bring a friend and see you this week!

Hello girls! I cannot even express to all of you how excited I am to do this study with you! I watched the first dvd session and I wanted to let all of you know a few things. First of all, if you have ever done Beth Moore's studies before and feel like you may not be able to keep up with the homework, Beth states several times, for this study, that she encourages woman to come and watch the video and enjoy the group discussion anyway without feeling obligated to complete the homework. She promises you will still get so much out of it. 

Also, we are going to be challenged to be doer's of the Word in addition to hearers with different things each week to do. For example the first week we are to all bring a few groceries to the second session and vote on a family or pantry to donate that 

to. So excited to do that each week! 

Also, make note that you DO NOT need the workbook the first week, just come and watch the DVD (there are notes to fill in but it is minimal this first week). Also, we have CHILD CARE for this study. Do not let that hold you back from coming. It is an awesome young lady who loves children. Each week bring an amount of money you feel is suitable for the amount of kids you are bringing and the time they are here for (again if you cannot pay do not let that keep you because I know it will be covered but we do want to bless this girl for giving her time). 

Doors open at 9:15 and we will start promptly at 9:30 and finish at 12. That allows enough time for discussion, the dvd, and time to eat (of course food is involved with me ;) I cannot wait to do this study with you ladies! I am always encouraged and blessed beyond words when a group of woman come together to learn and share the Word of God and their hearts with one another and choose to make a difference in the lives around them! 

Please, please, please feel free to invite friends...the more the merrier you all know my heart is to open my home to as many woman as I can fit in my here :) Much love to all of you as we embark on this journey together to study the book of James and show mercy to those hurting around us! Amy

The following is the public events page for the Bible study...

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