Tuesday, August 7, 2012

To wait or not to wait....

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go, I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.  Psalm 32:8

So, I will start this blog with "so"(here you go miss Nina, another one of my stories ;) Sooo, do you ever sit and wonder in the midst of your of life, where this is all leading to? Where your life is leading to, are we just mundanely wondering through this life trying to figure out the next step on our own or why you even took the last step you took, am I heading in the right direction, did I hear correctly...am I off course or am I right on track and the fog will soon lift and I will see a gorgeous landscape up ahead (literally, I'm waiting to hear on the acceptance of a bid on some property)?  Ever feel like that? I generally don't, I'm pretty decisive and impulsive....quick to make decisions if there is a peace to move forward...but today is one of those days I'm just having to trust God at His Word when I can't see what's up ahead....heck, I can't even see what's right in front of me today!  

I choose to believe that God is instructing me in the way I'm suppose to go and He will order my steps, His Word is always true.  However, it seems more like a crawl today at this point rather than a step or steps....not even a crawl...maybe just a stand still...while I'm watching everything else move by.  I don't like to stand still very much.  My mind is generally moving at about a million miles an hour and if my daily pace isn't moving equally as fast, I tend to question where I am at even though God says over and over be STILL and know that I AM God!  So, here I sit, stand, wait (I'm not great at waiting and I don't like it) I have a million things deposited into my heart over the past few years and now I'm on hold....I can imagine how I want God to work it all out, but He's God. I am not. And He will make it all work out perfectly.  Romans 8 (one of my very favorite chapters of the whole Bible, says He will work things all out...again I will trust Him at His Word)!

God has given me a vision for what I am suppose to do next with a woman's ministry but I just don't know how to go about doing it.  It's so funny how many times I've heard in my life that God gives us gifts and talents to use in our lives for His glory, but here I sit waiting, taking the deep breath I thought I wanted and needed, only to sit and wait for God to give the next step, to lead me in the direction I am suppose to go with it.  I hate waiting....have I mentioned that? Haha, I know what I want to do but am on hold and it's so funny because I feel like I'm doing nothing, which I hate....I hate doing nothing!  God is teaching me to wait and get closer with Him til I know the next few steps and in the process, I am planning and preparing....which I generally like the "show" or "event" part of the plan rather than the preparation and waiting stuff, oh well, today I choose to wait on you God and hear your voice for the big picture...or maybe not so big picture...maybe just the next step! Whichever direction it is, I trust that it is exactly what you have planned for me, your Word is true, you order our every step and maybe a couple of stand stills as well in the midst of our steps!  I still like the soaring part better though ;)

1 comment:

  1. A heart poured out for the world to see. So proud of the woman and writer I get to share my life with.
