Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Keepin' it real

What's the thing most complimented about you? For me it's always an odd thing...my entire life the compliment I hear most ISN'T my great skin (wrinkles and pimples...oh the joys) or my great toned stomach (with 3 kids later...a road map"ish" pound puppy"ish" stomach is what I've got) which I wasn't allowed to show off for the first 25 years and wouldn't WANT to show it off now for the next 25 years now that I could (oh the irony of life)....no it's a compliment that goes something like this...You are one of the most real people I have ever met.

I still slightly taken a back by this comment...mainly because I am never sure if it's a compliment or slam. (A slam maybe because it usually comes on the heels of me saying something unexpected or not correct :) Either way it's intended, I just believe it to be a compliment.

But the comment itself tends to puzzle me and make me slightly sad. It often comes from somebody who has met more "Christians" then they choose to ever know...I never announce to anybody anywhere "hey, I'm a Christian" because I know I'm "real" I'm human and I know I make mistakes but I so desperately want to bring honor to who Jesus is. So, I live out my life in front of people and wait for them to ask me what's different...that's usually when the "you are so real" comment comes..they realize that I am human and I'm not trying to be anybody other then who I am and that is, a redeemed child of God who is not afraid to admit that I don't have all the answers and for sure don't always get it right but I just so happen to know somebody who does! They realize I'm not here to play judge or look down on anybody I just love God and want to share how He can give them peace and hope too, despite our faults, but not pretending we don't have any faults.

But even more than that is when it comes from people who are Christians...it's those times when the people I am surrounded by will say "you are real" ...what does that mean? Think about your own life..who are you most able to be yourself around? I'm not talking about who can you get away with sin with (you should be steering clear of them anyways)...I'm talking about the people you can share your pain, your heart, your joys, and your struggles with and they not look down on you or judge you but encourage you, lift you up, pray for you and keep you accountable or just simply rejoice with you...what a friend to have...a friend you can let your guard down with and TRUST. Not one that you have to act like you have it all together for...what's the point of that friendship...it only brings discouragement to your life because you are not measuring up...guess what? They aren't either...those people builds walls and facades that they themselves can't even live up to! Instead choose a friend or two "to stick closer to than a brother" be real. love. encourage. trust. It's alright to say you don't have it all together...it actually allows others to be free to share their heart and together you can work through life "stuff"!

I just read a blog about just that, people in the church feeling like they have to look perfect...says who? We are treasures in jars of clay..clay....that means we are being worked on all the time..and that's perfectly alright! Let's allow people to be real around us so we know how to pray for each other and not judge each other.

That's the kind of friend I want to be...that's the kind of friend I want...be that friend for somebody today..until the day somebody compliments me on my beautiful (insert sarcasm) skin I'll be keepin' it real with my crazy life...


1 comment:

  1. Love this post and could not agree more both with the facts that you are 100% "real" and how sad it is that the church tries looking perfect, which is fake and essentially a lie! I'd have to say I'm also most complimented on my confidence and "realness," which is confusing, I mean we all should be so pumped and content with who God made us to be right? People (non-believers) choose/respect authenticity and transparency over perfection any day, it's about time the church grasps that!
