Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Friends with history

With so many changes going on in my life this year, as I left my bday party I reflected on what are my constants, I went home to sleep…but I couldn't! Anyone that knows me well knows that crowds and parties give me a week supply of energy…which may or may not have caused some hiccups in my life in my early 20's! So I stayed up and looked through all the pictures I took. As I came to this one (and a few others with all of these ladies) I had to smile. These women have been the staple friendships that have defined my entire adult life..through thick and thin..up and down…diets, eating, exercising…babies and more babies…and a few surprise babies..marriage stuff, first day of school stuff, money stuff, moving stuff (houses and churches), deaths and life these ladies have been! They know my very best attributes and the very worst and they still love me despite them all!

I love them each for very different reasons, my baby sister for obvious reasons and not so obvious reasons…this chic is a gold have to dig to get to the center of her but there is no one and I mean no one on the planet you want to have in your life more than her (her wisdom goes way beyond her years and always has) she always maintains a cool head when I'm losing mine and even though we are polar opposite personalities we always come to the same conclusion, we just get to it from different directions! There is not a stronger women of God that I know (well, maybe my mom:) but I love talking to her about the deepest things of God…she challenges me to think outside my box…I cherish that about her!

So, then there is Laine, oh my kindred spirit, this chic gets me and that's hard to do because I had searched my entire life for someone who understands me and our friendship is effortless because somehow we always understand what the other one is going through..I don't have to hide behind an "I'm alright" face, I can say my heart and she won't judge or try to fix…she will just listen. Seriously anything I go through she's like yep I totally get it and she will just say exactly what I'm thinking because we think so much a like! I love her!!

Stephanie…my pee friend…yep that's right! I seriously cannot breathe when we are together (which is not saying much because we both have asthma and have shared inhalers and every other allergy medicine) but through everything we've been through in life she reminds me to laugh..not just smile but full on double over, run to the bathroom I have to pee now, laugh!! Everyone needs a Stephanie in their life! When I get to serious or driven I can always count on her to lighten up the mood by saying something funny or sarcastic! For that matter, all of these ladies in my life are hilarious! I could not imagine going through life serious or not getting humor! It is seriously my coping tool!! Stephanie, I love your humor!! You get me always and never judge! I literally can say anything (and I have ;) around you and you take it in stride! So comfortable to hang out with!

Heather, you may be more driven than I am!! :) This last year and a half of your life would have probably kicked anybody else out of the game but you keep coming back fighting!! You are an amazing women! You always have a positive attitude and that's contagious! Even when life is crazy I see you quoting scripture and living it out! I love you for sometimes speaking things into my life that I can't see…you help me look at things with a different perspective! You too, have heard me say what's on my heart and not judge or fix..thank you!

My sweet Tam! I cannot even express to you how excited I am for you in this season of your life! You are always graceful and always sweet….you are beautiful on the inside and out and I know that the inside is what matters but I love that with you I can admit that maybe the outside matters a little bit too!! lol :) I love how in our friendship, that even when we miss talking for a while, we pick right back up where we left off without skipping a beat! I'm so excited about all the things we get to do this year for you as you get ready to be married! Love you so much!

(My other dear friend with history, Rachel, in S. Africa obviously couldn't come but through the last 15 years of our lives we've laughed, cried and lived life together…I miss her so much but Skype is an amazing tool…this chic constantly inspires me to step out in faith and do all that God calls you too…she is a treasured friend!)

All this mushy stuff to say that life long friendships are so important in life…I have realized in the past few years that even though life, people, relationships are not perfect they are to be cherished because God can pour so much into your life through your closest friends. I love these women and am so thankful for all that they bring to my life! :) I am so thankful that they (well my sister had to) stuck by me through these last couple of years when my emotions were crazy and all over the place, they sat by and didn't leave but encouraged, laughed, cried and talked me through all of it! Thank you girls!

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